Openness and Innovation
This presentation by Mark Birbeck was given at the Media Futures Conference 2008.
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Presentation title: Openness and Innovation (slides)
By: Mark Birbeck
Conference: Media Futures, held at Alexandra Palace, in London, on June 20th, 2008.
Session: Openness and Innovation
Abstract: The idea of openness has captured people’s imagination. The openness of the Internet has enabled entrepreneurs to innovate without seeking permission. Open source software development models have facilitated the creation of reliable and responsive software platforms, and even created new platforms such as the Web. Open standards, application programming interfaces (API), and open data have enabled the creation or new and bespoke products and services. The adaptive approach to design has allowed users to become the final designers of their tools. Indeed, even in business the idea of corporate open innovation is taking hold. We will examine these phenomena, consider what is distinctive about openness, ask ‘Why now?’, and consider the future potential of innovation based on openness.